mount an external NFS (Network File System) to Oracle Database as a Service (DBaaS)

 it is possible to mount an external NFS (Network File System) mount point to Oracle Database as a Service (DBaaS) to write data into it. However, there are specific steps and considerations to ensure that the NFS mount is correctly configured and integrated with DBaaS, including security, network configuration, and appropriate user permissions.

Here’s an outline of the steps required to achieve this:

1. Prepare the NFS Server

  • Ensure the NFS server is configured and accessible from the DBaaS instance.
  • The NFS server should export the directory with appropriate permissions.
  • Example NFS export configuration on the server (/etc/exports file):

/nfs_shared_dir 192.168.x.x(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
Restart the NFS Services.

sudo exportfs -ra
2. Ensure Network Connectivity

  • Ensure that the DBaaS instance can reach the NFS server. You may need to set up appropriate network security rules (e.g., in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's (OCI) Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) security lists or network security groups (NSG)).

    ping \<NFS\_server\_IP>  

Test network connectivity to the NFS server from the DBaaS instance:

ping <NFS_server_IP>
3. Install NFS Client on DBaaS

  • If not already installed, install the NFS client on the DBaaS instance. This can be done with the following commands:

sudo yum install -y nfs-utils # For Oracle Linux
sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common # For Ubuntu-based systems

4. Create a Mount Point on DBaaS

  • Create a directory on the DBaaS instance where you want to mount the NFS export:

sudo mkdir /mnt/nfs_shared_dir
5. Mount the NFS Directory

  • Use the mount command to mount the NFS directory:

sudo mount -t nfs <NFS_server_IP>:/nfs_shared_dir /mnt/nfs_shared_dir
Ensure that the NFS mount is persistent across reboots by adding it to /etc/fstab:

<NFS_server_IP>:/nfs_shared_dir /mnt/nfs_shared_dir nfs defaults 0 0
6. Set Correct Permissions

  • Make sure that the Oracle database user (typically oracle) has the correct permissions to read from and write to the NFS-mounted directory.
  • Adjust ownership and permissions as needed:

sudo chown oracle:oinstall /mnt/nfs_shared_dir
sudo chmod 775 /mnt/nfs_shared_dir

7. Verify the Mount

  • Check if the NFS mount is active and accessible

df -h
ls /mnt/nfs_shared_dir


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