Configuration of AWR report
AWR Reports (Automatic Workload Repository) For those who were to lazy to install Statspack - available since 8.1.5 - there is good news assuming you are on 10G and assuming you were also to lazy to modify the init parameter statistics_level (I don' t see until now many reasons to alter the default value of typical ). Since 10.1 there is a built in "super statspack". (statspack is still available). In stead of statspack reports we speak about AWR reports , in stead of statspack snapshots we speak about AWR snapshots. By default AWR s snapshot' s are taken every hour (AWR = Automatic Workload Repository ) Statistical information has been gathered and written to disk, towards the new sysaux tablespace by the new backgroundprocess MMON. ( MMON =Manageability Monitor ). Please note you can also take ADDM Reports We can still take a snapshot manually SQL> exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. As well we can change ...